
Have to write ugly ass wrapper classes around a third party dependency since my team can't be bothered learning its vocabulary. A vocabulary which is very well thought and self-consistent. Apparently, defining our own which is only occasionally more descriptive is preferred. It's already collapsing under the weight of its own maintainability cost. And, if someone joins the team that knows the dependency they are fucked anyway as they'll have to use our wrappers.

Time and time again I've tried to oppose this move on several different merits: maintainability chief amongst them, but no one listens to the lowly new hire.

I should just pipe my thoughts to /dev/null and save my breath...

  • 2
    Well congrats for building a new layer of waste. ;-p

    On the plus side, if only you can do the magic below, it makes you more important in the company.
  • 0
    I've seen once such a 'layer' with names like getAllFakturas where FAKTURA is INVOICE in polish.
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