I've solved hard problems before, and used languages other than Java, but for some reason I don't know how to start using SQL. I couldn't find a SQL IDE. Any suggestions on how to start working with SQL on a Linux computer?

  • 3
    You kidding... right?
  • 2
    Umm... I don't even know how to respond to this question. I don't know if you're serious or not... :P
  • 4
    I am going to assume you are serious and give a few pointers

    While sql can be run by itself (pl/sql for example), you really shouldnt do that if you are not using it for data analysis or just trying it out

    You can embed sql into your programs, i recommend starting with java's sqlite, look up
    -Java sqlite
    -Xenial (xerial?) Jdbc driver

    If you really want standalone sql, get oracle's sqldeveloper and pray for your soul
  • 2
    Lets get you started on the right technology first.

    Install postgres via the package manager.

    Then init a database, and run the psql command prompt.

    Create a few tables and start playing around. Try to model some real world situations. Think of an industry and model it's entities and go from there. Think carefully about the relationships and their cardinality, as those are harder to change once you get started.
  • 2
    Datagrip by Jetbrains isn't bad if you don't want to write SQL in the command line.
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    @RazorSh4rk Thanks so much! I was serious, as I am still new to programming. I've been using Java alone but it's time for me to grow. I'll use the java.sql package, since it's probably best to use SQL with another language.
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