

I hear a lot of you saying Wordpress is bad and we should move away from it. My question is : what are your alternatives ?
At my company we focus on clients being able to easily change content of their website. I'd love to learn if there is a good alternative

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    Drupal is alright
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    @RazorSh4rk already tried it a bit. I feel like user friendliness is really bad and theme building and personalisation seemed to be a pain
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    Would like to know as well.
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    We use Umbraco. It's built on .NET. I think it's fantastic. Absolutely flexible
    Clients have found it easier too :)
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    For me, there isn't one, certainly not of the open source variety. For sheer wealth of resources, tutorials and advice, WP and all it's flaws wins hands down.

    I spent a large part of my career immersed in mid-tier commercial CMS's (Sitecore, EPI server, Ektron, Kentico) and have also previously worked on solutions with DNN, Umbraco and GetSimple CMS and had to maintain a couple of Drupal based sites. The truth is, they *all* suck in varied and diverse ways. There is not one single CMS solution in the world that is any use or will not cause you pain. The reason for this is that as simple as sites can be, their owners always want this one unique tweak or this special feature and you end up fighting the engine to get it in.

    So we will go for the least worst option. In my opinion, that is WordPress - by a country mile. Yes, abstractly, you could spend days documenting everything wrong with it. But by that time, you'd have built your site if you hadn't whined so much!
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    @CrankyOldDev thank you for your opinion :). So I guess it's kind of "it's annoying but at least it does its job" ?
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    @Enewia That's my current view. I don't do as much CMS stuff as I used to and usually just default to WP, so the landscape could be different now.
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    Opensource: sulu.io
    Paid: CraftCMS
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    @CrankyOldDev thanks, that really helps :)
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    About some months ago.I used to have the same thought that WordPress for making websites was really good ,and with good turnaround times as I experienced.but with having to write spaghetti code in themes and plugins to make things work ,I wanted to change. After I started making websites with Django, integrating the templates with a cool bootstrap theme of choice,having an out of the box admin panel with django, creating custom models ,ability to efficiently filter the models.All these things make for a really good platform to make websites with.You can consider Django as a CMS because as soon as you setup your URLs,views and add models it will appear in the admin panel.Customers will love the ease of use of the Django panel when managing content.
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    I'm surprised there aren't any serious Laravel-based CMS' yet. It seems like that should have happened by now.
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