
So this happened... Microsoft creates Zo (left) and touts it as a great chatbot, only to have the following happen. Hoisted by their own petard. πŸ˜‚

  • 30
    It's not that hard to happen. Last March Microsoft had to remove Tay cause she turned from cute to homicidal...πŸ˜‚
  • 9
    Last sentence is very true and I can agree with that. Impressive for a bot.
  • 2
    @SystemZ, it really is. I'm impressed with how natural the conversation was.
  • 3
    Wow the botnet is replicating human behaviour quite efficiently, time to find the skynet core and nuke it
  • 12
    Linux users are amongst the smartest people in existence.

    No. Windows 10 users will get the free upgrade to Windows 95.
  • 1
    I mean... Microsoft <3 Linux now. They're even a part of the Linux Foundation.
  • 1
    @tylerleonhardt No, they absolutely do not.
  • 1
  • 0
    @tylerleonhardt They said it! It must be true! /s
  • 5
    @Ashkin you're not even giving Microsoft a chance.

    There has been a HUGE culture shift at Microsoft with the embrace of Linux and OSS.

    Azure offers experiences for Linux and Windows pros.

    I'm sure you have very valid reasons for the hate, but do consider how much Microsoft has changed in the past years.

    Is everything perfect now? Absolutely not. But there's a huge push to embrace cultures and processes outside of the Windows world and I think those outside of the Windows world should see that and take it as an opportunity to help Microsoft grow. Who knows, maybe there are lessons to be learned from helping Microsoft.
  • 9
    That bot's behaviour is generated from social media texts, yeah? It's not that surprising since Linux users are becoming like vegans now. First thing they tell about themselves is that they use Linux.
  • 0
    I read about this. I know Zo gets her personality from people online and people she talks to. This is hilarious.
  • 3
    @sSam legit could have its own southpark sniffing wine glasses of out own fats episode lmao.

    In general, it's far too easy [and destructive ] to make generalizations about large groups of people.

    Also, being a fanboy or discluding yourself from an entire family of an OS leaves you worse off; ignorant, less likely to think critically and less prepared to solve problems.

    I've bashed on Microsoft and apple for a long time. I can work fluently in both environments; but without the tools I learned in Linux I feel less in control. the philosophies of each camp can serve my different needs through different projects or uses.

    You're about as likely to get malware if you're a script kiddie in Linux as you are inexperienced in windows of OSX

    Never be proud of your ignorance
  • 0
    @tylerleonhardt I don't think it's much about "embracing new culture", but rather an "adapt or die" strategy
  • 0
    @unfuckers-inc I've had Ubuntu for about 4years and since last year I've been using Arch so I'm not that ignorant.
  • 1
    @sSam that wasn't directed at you or anyone else.
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