
I wish I was a goddamn designer. Spending hours on a design only to find out it looks like shite. So effing frustrating...

  • 7
    keep making shits until it becomes the shit dude
  • 2
    And i wish i knew how the fuck redux works :P We all have our own specialities :)
  • 0
    I wish I was a goddamn programmer.

    Spending 10 years on design, which is extremely subjective and in turn unpredictable is excruciating. Playing guessing games with clients and yourself all of your working life is not glamurous. Programming is exact and measurable. There is comfort in that. I'm aware of its downfalls, I'm just sharing the design perspective. Well, at least mine version of it :D

    P.S. I agree making pretty things is nice, but I would rather make art than design.
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    @karakamen dude the world still needs people like you. Developers generally suck (no offense) at design as they don't care about it.

    But someone has to. And essentially, it's the only thing the user really sees anyway. So in other words, the end users care the most about design and the least about the software engineering behind it
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    @tahnik Designers have this issue as much as developers, you are not alone.
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    @nblackburn I can definitely agree on this.
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