
A couple of weeks ago I had an internship. I worked there with a classmate. We had a simple assignment, but since we're noobs when it comes to web applications (and because you don't learn that in school), we even had a hard time preparing.

Finally, I... I mean "we" decided to use React because it's close to the way we learned to solve problems in school. I asked him to implement a page with a date picker/calendar. I even searched for a repo that. 2 Days later he was still not able to implement it, he experimented with the code, but he
1. didn't even read the readme, just copied the tutorial expecting it to work
2. Didn't even look at the logic behind it.
3. Demanded to use this other repo with less functionality

10-30 minutes should have been more than enough. Instead, I wasted time telling him to read and code properly. He refused the second (and probably also the first), because "Why should I care? We'll be here for 3 weeks and then we're done with this"

Guess whom I'll avoid in any possible group project

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    @LeFlawk That my friend is a good question that I can't answer.
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    React only works with JS enabled, it's for the most part a client side framework. You can use techniques like server side rendering or progressive enhancement, but that's more effort than it's worth most of the time.
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    @LeFlawk exactly. Unless you code additional stuff to be processed on the server side. You could use different framework, that allows you to 'inject' some data on the backend without branding stuff when js works.
    Take a look at 'bind' directive in Angular.js (the version 1)
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