
If only Microsoft wouldn't write any browser...

  • 5
    It could be worse, it could be Safari...
  • 1
    Then how would you got firefox.com;
  • 0
    Actually. Not all is bad. Edge is quite fast and as someone who started web dev when IE6 was a thing: you have seen nothing!
    Plus for example CSS Grid was proposed and first implemented by Microsoft. So yes. Their browser lagg behind. IE is shit. But it's way better and getting better than it used to be.
  • 0
    @Wack cmon, they tried with IE and failed, they tried again with Edge and immediately failed with all the initial issues and continue to fail with all the remaining issues.
  • 0
    @Jop- yeah! Reminds me of two other browsers I know 🤔
  • 0
    @brod oh they faild with ie big time. Edge was a big step forward, but it can't keep up with the other two.
  • 0
    Then it will have time to write other 💩
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