
Fucking brilliant. Paused my Ubuntu VM in VMWare. Unpaused it, the whole file system is corrupted.

There goes my 2 hours of customization. Lesson learned.

  • 1
    I have the same issues with pause on vmware. I moved to VirtualBox.
  • 0
    Can't say I've used VMs to much do.. why pause even? What do you get out of it?
  • 5
    Lesson 1: first thing one does after updates is installing vm-guest-utils, followed by a reboot.
  • 2
    @devnope this! Running several of these without any issues, and my CPU ist from 2012 I guess.
  • 1
    From experience; learn vagrant. You can spin up workspaces on the fly, can also be useful for small dev teams.
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