fck you visual studio!!! seriously what is wrong with you?!?
~me peacfully writing some code ~
ok let's see what we did
vs: I can't compile that. The key whateverKey in line 15 is not defined.
me: ok let's investigate...
nowhere in line 15 use whateverKey.... ok....
wait I didn't change that file at all.
~me clicking rebuild solution~
vs: can't build that because of whateverKey in line 15.
me : WTF?!?
checking git diff -> file not changed
me okkkkkkk......
closing visual studio and reopening solution.
Build succeeded.
What the actuall hell?!?
I'm spending way too much time trying to get that shity peace of software to do what it is supposed to do!

  • 3
    Clean solution option helps most of the time in this kind of scenario!
  • 0
    Try dot net IDE made by JetBrains. If it's like IntelliJ IDEA it will rock
  • 2
    I've worked on visual studio from 2011 until January 2017, using versions 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2015 never faced a single issue regardless of what my pc specs are starting at:
    Core 2 Quad -> Core I3 -> Core I7
    Ram from 4GB up to 16GB
    And visual studio never freezed, not damaged files and all are always updated.
    At work colleagues are using visual studio 2017 and no issue. I don't understand so many rants lately about it.
  • 1
    @gitpush we use vs 2013 and the project is kinda big and uses mvc so it's dying constantly. one of my colleagues uses 2017. mine crashes once a day his sometimes crashes every five freaking minutes. :/
  • 1
    @JinaJita tried switching to an SSD or you guys already have them? Usually crahses (not that I'm teaching you, just thinking loud) happen due to little resources and a slow HDD for a big project do cause an issue, I once ran many jobs for building Android kernal on a core 2 quad, was never able to succeed in until I reduced to four jobs.

    But all I can say is good luck I face same problem with xcode suddenly crashes, takes ages refreshing UI
  • 1
    @gitpush yeah we already have ssds the computers are fine... everything else works great. thanks for the luck and also luck to you for your xcode problems :)
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