Y'all can stop crying now

  • 3
    I don't understand, why they suddenly decided to remove it in the first place, it's an innocent little application sitting in some dark corner of every Windows PC 😂 ... Seriously though, why?
  • 0
    They have resided side by side for some time now, and also they both serve different purpose, but well who cares ... @azuredivay
  • 0
    I saw the Paint 3D on a coworker's PC and I was laughing so hard hahah. I mean, wtf is that shit?
  • 1
    @pajaja it's like the Start Page which I actually use even though they bought back the menu...

    Public outcry comes from old people and commoners that are have learned helplessness....

    Techies move on and adapt or just build/hack to get what they want.

    So yea this I think once again highlights how dumb a world we live in...
  • 1
    @billgates I find the start menu much easier to use.

    Paint is iconic, I was sad they were removing it.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm how so? Start Page you just organize your most used apps, anything else just type in a Search.

    It is very rare I do the second one, only if I install and need to pin a new app
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm yes iconic like IE... Wait till they remove that and only have Edge...

    I use Chrome just like how I use Paint .Net
  • 4
    @billgates Especially the Windows 10 start menu, I find it easier to navigate - much more compact and organized, and I like that it doesn't take my entire screen.
  • 3
    @billgates Paint and IE? You're confusing famous and infamous.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm what about Paint makes it Paint? I mean they could just rename Paint 3D to Paint and change back the icon.... And now Paint supports 3D!
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm I can't see what else I would need that Start Menu would have?
  • 3
    @billgates Ya missed the point. It has too much. Start menu is an application launcher, that's all I want it to do. The tiny rectangle in the corner of my screen is perfect, an entire screen is abnoxius.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm Windows Key + Click seems faster to me?
  • 1
    @billgates As opposed to the start menu, which requires a Windows key and a click.

    But uses less real estate.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm but u have to use the All Programs list a lot of the time? Where as I don't?
  • 1
    @billgates If it's obscure enough to not be pinned, I just search it. Usually everything I need is only a second away.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm sometimes gotta type out the name and still it wont default to the most used one...

    btw why do I have both? I thought Paint was supposed to be gone?
  • 1
    @billgates You seem to be quite uninformed, it was only marked as deprecated and possible to be removed. Then, as the post which this comment thread is on points out, they decided against it.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm @billgates I think what we've established here is that Microsoft did a very good job at catering for everyone's ideals with the Windows 10 start menu ☺️ personally I use the start menu so it takes up about half my screen, I like that it doesn't cover the entire screen but want all my most frequently use apps to be just a single click away ☺️
  • 2
    I didn't give a fuck, never gave one, for whatever they want to do. Keep it remove it I don't need it and I won't use it.
  • 3
    Let's face it, I reckon most people here could code something like Paint themselves! If anyone really missed it there would be am open source project set up pretty quick. It's not like there aren't a host of free and similar alternatives available already! The outcry is based on nostalgia, not need.
  • 0
    In the Windows Store as a free application, with ads, pointless cloud features and a cut-down retarded UI.
  • 0
    I use Paint to resize images for my website because the designer my boss hired can't do normal work... I mean, she do a wireframe of a website with all the images I need to use, but all the images are like 5000*5000 px and more. Photoshop takes 1 minute to open because the files are too big!

    Paint is good to do easy stuff really fast. I don't want to use an application that take 1-2 minutes to open just to resize an image that should take 5 secondes.

    Paint is good for that. And that's why some people, like me, likes paint.
  • 1
    @billgates as @shiv379 said, it's not that anyone needs paint for anything. What makes paint paint is constant set of features for like 30 years. Because of that it has acquired a cult following. Even though it's pretty much useless compared to other programs, there are artists that exclusively use Paint for their work, which is a integral part of their style.
    Paint 3D can't be renamed to Paint because it tries to be something more, something useful, which is clearly not.
  • 1
    @bubble Legit yesterday I just made JNotepad which I intended to be a Java clone of notepad, it was very fun to make :)
  • 0
    I use Notepad++ for everything anyway!
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