
can i mix more than one css framework when i'm creating a website

  • 12
    can you: yes
    should you: probably not

    mixing frameworks can lead to inheritance conflicts and your layouts doing some pretty funky and hideous things.
  • 11
    Yeah you can, just use !important to fix any issues.

    Please don't follow my advice you will thank me later.
  • 0
    Why... just why...?
  • 1
    I was in same dilemma! I wanted to use Google mdl and Twitter bootstrap both! Settled for mdl!
  • 1
    Settle for one, and you can always borrow elements from another. I use MDL with stuff borrowed from Materialize.
  • 0
    Can but shouldn't. Adds extra stylesheets and could cause conflicts.

    If you only need once piece from the framework then take a look at the GitHub repo if it's available.
  • 0
    Can you eat and drink in the same time? :)
  • 3
    i don’t like to brag, but yes
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