I just had the most bizarre experience of my life. I handed in my resignation letter today. About an hour later, the CEO comes and collects me, takes me into his office, and rants about me leaving and other random not even tangentially related bullshit. Accusing me of not believing in the company and not talking to him. I have no idea if I'm fired.

  • 27
    "You quit? What do you mean you quit? You don't get to quit cus you're fiiiiiired!"
  • 14
    @mrAlx I honestly don't know if I'm fired. I kind of plan to just bullshit at my desk until I leave, and see if he comes up to me and says that. I'm so confused. I need a more adulty adult right now.
  • 7
    Seems like many a bullshitter i have worked for when they start with believe in the company etc. But still don't pay fairly or listen to those that work for them. Needy baby greedy baby.
  • 5
    @ComradeEevee Hey fired means severance and EI right? 😉
  • 7
    Sounds like he was upset you were moving on so he wanted you to stay...probably not fired he probably just has too much going on at the same time and you were one more thing he has to deal with. I mean they can't fire you if you quit, but if they do...unemployment pay? :D
  • 1
    @ClemFrieckie I wish he gave me the option of leaving today, no hard feelings. It just feels awkward being here now.
  • 0
    How many months/years have u worked there? I quit my job like a boss after the day I submitted my resignation letter. The head of the team shit talked me but I left the building like a free happy kid. :)
  • 4
    @nikolatesla I've been here just short of a year, which is why it was odd he made such a big todo about it
  • 2
    You could browse Amazon all day for future things you want!
  • 0
    Doing a job is not about belief, it's business not religion. If a manager does not want people to leave early, they should try to negotiate a long term contract in the first place, but more important, they should show some effort to become a good place to work.
  • 0
    These are typical guys with a company who are never interested in the lives of their employees and are then so surprised that someone leaves and even blames you for the problems. Just read https://gotresumebuilder.com/job-le... write the paper and find a better place
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