
I hate the feeling when you watching an old tutorial and you trying to do the same thing but you find out it's an old tutorial and the library his using is old and the way you should use it changed and there is no other tutorial on how to use the new version 😭
being a newbie at Android dev sucks 😢

  • 2
    I agree. There're just very few online tutorials with Android Development with Kotlin. Java isn't my forte, I can program in it but I'd rather not. Kotlin is so nice to program with but when I first opened Android Studio and looked at it, It's way too intimidating. a HUGE doc (which is a good thing, but can't handle the amount of info), lots of buttons pointing at stuff I don't really understand. But yeah, one thing for sure, 2 or 3 tutorials read/viewed in a day won't do. It'll definitely take months of practice and doing a few small starter projects, I'm struggling also.
  • 0
    Link a stack overflow and I'd be glad to help
  • 1
    Tbh, I’m guessing this is free on YouTube? I mean you get what you get. If you too new to work around it, definitely reading docs, getting a handle on java development, getting some code under your belt can be helpful. I mean honestly, it’s not too different from how mechanics whine when things get done differently on cars. Like it happens, but if you really understand what you’re doing you know how to work around the changes, or you at least understand when you’ve reached an impasse to what you can do.
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