People will always ask us to fix their computer :/

Had a meeting with IT-director of our client.

Me: Yes, with our solution you will be sure that the details of all your 17.500 employees will be stored and accessible for all required third party systems. We will have a 6 month preliminary schedule and it will cost..

Random: Excuse me!

Random employee interrupts and has actually stepped into the meeting room.

Random: Can you take a look at my computer? Something is wrong.

IT-director: Is there noone else who can look at this?

Random: But it was working a minute ago. It probably will be a quick fix?

IT-director looks at me like "what even is this?"

IT-director: Go down to the 12th and talk to IT there, we're having a meeting here.

Random: I thought you guys who are so good with computers could fix this in a jiffy!

Me: Burning inside

IT-director: Just leave us, please.

Random leaves.
IT-director looks at me and I look knowingly back. We are both sad for a moment. Then we continue.

  • 12
    wow that's an interruption!
  • 14
    "But.. but.. heeeeelp"
  • 4
    "Fix this in a jiffy"the part were I was about to throw away the phone and burn it!
  • 7
    Not just computers. Smartphones, tablets, TVs, everything they've got.
  • 3
    Some people can be such ignorant.
  • 7
    Wow, what an ignorant asshole. Who the fuck interrupts a meeting 1) with something completely unrelated 2) asking for a favor and 3) when a CLIENT is visiting.
  • 3
    Some smuck key account manager or something.

    I guess he just sees two guys in a room with laptops and thinks "computer men help me". Because that's all IT, including the CTO does all day anyways right?
  • 1
    @vandroid64 And then they insult you questioning your skills when you refuse to fix their shit
  • 0

    Right. As the IT Director for a grocery store, I regularly got employee calls for "the freezer is broken, it's electronic so you fix it right?"

    OK, no, the thermostat is electronic.
    And no. I can open er up and smash around a bit, maybe that'll do the trick.
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