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    lol was gonna say ReactJS
    Never worked with Vue but so far I like what I'm getting
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    Never written react myself, but ive read a lot about it.

    I prefer Vue because its easier to learn and smaller than react.

    But reactjs is nice as well. So it doesnt really matter.
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    Depends your app size and experience.

    For most cases, I'd go with Vue.

    I like to picture vue as a slick little sports car, where react is more of a.. Suv.
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    Reason: feature set
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    I myself use Vue, and have user react extensively. However, I prefer vue as it's cleaner and easier to use in my opinion. I Don't know wether to get back into react, as I'm applying for placement jobs as part of my degree and react is said to be the 'standard'.
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    jQuery ofc
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    Handlebars ofc
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    Vue is really good!
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    @dimitarnestorov welxome to devrant btw, u can do an avatar now
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    @jpichardo thanks! And thanks for the "boost"
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    @Artemix what the hell did react do to you that are soo extremely and inaccurately biased against it, did it kill your dog or something?

    With the exception of the docs, it's only slightly better.
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    @Artemix how's that different from Vue forcing you to work the way they want, or angular, Aurelia, preact, inferno, ember, elm, backbone and every other opinionated library/framework?

    Not even sure what you mean by custom components as I have written my own in both react and vue, fuck, for my current project I built a component library.

    Vue has better docs and is marginally faster, while react has better community support, beyond that they are 2 tools doing the same thing in different ways with pretty much the same capabilities and flexibilities.

    Sounds more like you don't actually know how to use it.
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