They should rename tge app linuxCircleJerk

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    @Torbuntu not really no
  • 1
    I could honestly not give a fuck less what OS anyone is using. If they can code, then by all fucking means, use whatever fucking OS you want.

    Linux is fucking great, for so many fucking reasons, get over it.

    Use Windows, Mac, or any Linux distro you want - just stop bitching about it.
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    @ragnarr023 wooooaaahhhh guy its a joke
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    @ihavePCSD how dare you joke on devRant?! we are a serious community that makes SO look like a bunch of shitting babbling preschoolers.
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    I'm just messing with you man. Don't take things so seriously - there were not nearly enough fucks in there to be considered a serious comment. And I wouldn't put another community member down, not unless he was being a complete shitboxer
  • 1
    Well damn i misread it then 🤤
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    @ragnarr023 I'm scared to ask, but what the fuck is a shitboxer? Scared to know, but would love to know so I know what I'm calling people. That's a fun word.
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