
For web devs here, do we really still need to support browsers of the evil (yeah I'm talking about MS browsers, Edge included) ?

I mean, building a css ui library here in 2017, without the benefits of custom properties, grid and so many other cool things, is so fucking frustrating.
A practical example : color theming with custom properties = Fuck Yeah / color theming without custom properties = so verbose and painfull, sucks.

The library is mostly for private usage at the moment so... I'm about to drop IE and Edge in the deepest shithole of the darkest cavern of my memory, and move on coding my lib with modern CSS, with almost no regret for the ghosts of the past who are still using these shitware today.

Should I ? Or should I... maintain compatibility as we traditionnally do ?
What's you guys opinion about this ? Can we finally kickban these browsers from our lives ?

  • 5
    I've switched from Firefox to Edge on my Windows 10 machines. It has the exact same addons I use and it consumes usually less memory. I open Firefox only when a page behaves oddly.
    With each big Windows Update, the browser improves.
  • 1
    As a rule of thumb I personally tend to make things work correctly in chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari.

    Anything outside of this it should at least be functional, but not the end of the world if it doesn’t look 100% right.

    The only time I’ve had to make things backwards compatible for IE and it’s several versions of doing anything badly is at an enterprise level.
  • 0
    Having recently built a site for an NGO here's my 2 cents.

    Backwards compatibility is important if a good percentage like 20% at least access the website regularly or a smaller number of people who access it not that regularly but who's views are important.

    Both these cases applied to the site I worked on - people from government offices running God know what version of IE and people with old computers running IE would access the website.

    We initially planned to support IE8 but it was too much work so IE10 was finalized.

    It's time people switched OSs and browsers.
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