
Please Google, allow us to disable that retarded Google translate thing you've got going on the play store.

Seriously, 90% of the apps' short description are absolutely unreadable because they insist on translating it to my device's language even if no translating is available.

I know it's probably useful to some people (the ones who don't understand English but somehow understand the human language equivalent of spaghetti-code, which I suspect is not many), but this needs to be disable-able, it makes the experience of discovering apps extremely awkward.

  • 3
    Yes, google translate is pretty good, but its not that good.
  • 4
    Should enable the crowd sourced translations, like the subtitles on yt. I wouldn't mind translating a short description here and there. Would be better than 90% of that what google translate summons
  • 4
    Google needs to understand that a lot of people understand English even though it's not their first language.
  • 1
    @Kimmax that's actually a great idea. Although some moderators may be needed to ensure competition doesn't actively mistranslate other's apps, as that could become a bothersome thing too
  • 4
    @CptFox sure, but there can be a validation system like youtubes. And if you have to worry about your competitors so much that they would fake your translation you are big enough to hire a professional to do it properly for you
  • 2
    Yeah, complitely agree about Google Play's description translations being annoying. I was just yesterday thinking about it. I'll try to make Xposed module to fix that. Will see how that goes.
  • 1
    @demiko No, I refuse to change system language. But hey I found the View to change so half way there.
  • 0
    I use Google translation for those purpose
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