Why in the world there is no reasonable electron based desktop app for Twitter?

Nocturn - no tray icon
Chirp - doesn't work, don't know why

My last hope: https://github.com/dogancelik/...

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    Setup a collab and make one
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    @nblackburn that's what I came here to say. But you beat me to it by about 3 hours.
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    @nblackburn In fact, I'm thinking about doing something like that. DevRantron seems to be a good starting point.
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    @tracktraps I would start from scratch and learn it rather than try to understand someone elses code.
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    @nblackburn From scratch is not the problem. I have already developed some electron apps. Maybe a fork would make more sense than reinventing the wheel.
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    @tracktraps You are making a twitter client, how are you reinventing the wheel.

    There are plenty of electron apps, are they all reinventing the wheel too just because they are built and optimized for their individual case?
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    @nblackburn DevRantron has solved a lot of things which do not work properly on most electron apps. So why not use something that already works well and fork it?

    Btw: the atomic-tweetdeck app has a pretty good tray icon integration. Unfortunately, it disappears after 5 seconds.
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    @tracktraps Like what?

    Not really convinced but you do you...
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