So back story... I opened up my own company a while back. I provide not only general IT and phone repair etc but I also do ethical penetration testing and patch the holes.

Before opening my own business me and some buddy's went out to a bowling ally and bar to have a few drinks. I wanted to see what their network was like... I hacked into their entire network in less than two minutes. From my iPhone. I was in their switches, I was configuring their printers and fax machines. Lord knows what I could have done if I had my laptop.

Anyways, back to the rant... I got this text today. 😂😩🔫

  • 34
    That's how you gather clients on a long term :D I mean you're going to help them, aren't you?
  • 11
    Irony == true
  • 40
    Definitely going to help them, looking at a ransom attack on their network.

    Their business.... literally no backups or anything like that.

    Looks like my weekend will be full of free beer and getting a new network setup and configured!

    Another thing... I give FREE security audits... that's right, FREE!
  • 39
    The first time I approached them asking if I could run a security audit for them (about a year or so ago) they said they already have an IT guy. The whole business is now down for the day and turns out the "IT guy" was their son and YouTube. FaceDesk.
  • 21
    @theScientist where I reside, people believe no one is going to hack them, that they are safe. They don't think that someone with a degree knows more than what their grandson does while watching YouTube videos. So, I offer a free audit to show them just how many holes they've got and then walk out the door. It not only shows how un-secure they are directly to them but they get to see just how easy it is for someone to get in.... 9-10 times they hire me, the other 1 time this happens.
  • 17
    Sort of like a free estimate I guess. I don't patch anything while giving a free audit, I just show them that they are vulnerable and leave my number so they can tell me they want to hire me.
  • 6
    @AlexDeLarge Thanks, I love the work you do as well my friend!
  • 2
    Sorry, my comments are run on... pain medication has me feeling some type of way lol.
  • 3
    @AlexDeLarge lol your rants my man 😂
  • 1
    @AlexDeLarge wow now thats a cool username letmecode
  • 1
  • 3
    @AnonyOps What a good samaritan :D yes I know, many people don't take security seriously. Maybe they just believed you are going to use their lack of knowledge in the field and tell them fake security warnings to persuade them to hire you.
    Anyway you are truly awesome, if I ever need any sec-advices definitely going to look for you :D
  • 2
    @karma var irony has not been initialized
  • 2
    Businesses in my province don't give a fu*k about security, let alone doing security audits etc...
    Sad but I hope people start caring about it.
  • 1
    @Jop- I'm not saying That I'm superior because I have a degree. I've also got 12 years of experience and counting backing me. Far better than one their son learnt on YouTube. He didn't even change the factory root passwords to any of the critical systems.

    Because I stated a degree doesn't mean I was implying that I was superior and just because he doesn't have one doesn't mean he may not excel in another field, but it's definitely not computers. His parents now know that and he's cost them a great deal of money.
  • 0
    @Archang3l depends on how in-depth I go etc. I like to cover all my bases and review time and time again to make sure I thoroughly check everything.
  • 0
    @Archang3l the free audit I just do in a day, going over main focal points. But if they do go through with it all, I take a lot of factors into consideration. Size of the company, evaluate everything IT related. Going over their policies and procedures, see if they’ve got a concern in a certain aspect of their organization. Review operating systems, applications, etc. Tons lol
  • 0
    @Archang3l and good luck with your studies, I promise it pays off in the end! Stick with it!
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