
About to blow my first mil on pizza pockets on god frfr no cap

  • 5
    The email gets progressively worse. It's his wife's dying wish to donate the money. And he says it's not a scam and that I can Google his name.
  • 10
    I mean, they are saying its 100% legitimate.. so it must be true
  • 2
    @gagan-suie well, since you are rich now, can you give some for real charity 'for poor web dev We3D' it'$ a personal compain, 1 mil should be enough ;}
  • 3
    Why don't *I* get that kind of emails from mr buf-et?
    Give them my mail please - bullgates@outlook.com.
  • 2
    @We3D honestly if I had money to blow, you'd be the first person I'd drop a stack of cash on. 💯
  • 2
    @gagan-suie I have no doubt in you, it:s just a matter of time, if not this email, some of the next ones will be the real deal...

    can't wait my share now ^,^
  • 5
    So has the Nigerian Prince scam gone out of fashion already?
  • 3
    @We3D but I'm gona need your SSN, dob, mother's maiden name, and your runescape password.
  • 3
    @gagan-suie but ofc. anything for the bag of $$$...

    so where to start... my grand-grand-grand,grand,grand-grandmother name is... got to check actually...brb
  • 4
    React on it. I'm interested how their scam works. Poor Warren doing shady stuff these days
  • 1
    Summon your inner James Veitch
  • 0
    @dowhile had to Google who this was. Pretty hilarious.
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