
I'm a lazy ass person and I wanna learn web development.
However, I only have one problem.
I don't have a computer, or even a laptop.

  • 0
    Buy a cheap laptop, install GNU/Linux on it. Install Node.js, Learn from free web courses.

    If you have no money well that's a problem. Money is required for everything in this world.
  • 4
    You know how I started web development? I also didn't have a computer I found some old defect laptops in my friends place and repaired one of them for me about three years ago. Now I'm a professional developer and stilll using that laptop. If you can repair electronics then you can find old or defect laptop on ebay.
  • 0
    Online shell account with web hosting maybe.

    I mean you wrote the rant on some sort of device. If is capable of running devrant I bet you could do web dev on it.

    I code java, python and c/C++ on my Android device.

    Compilers available for all.
  • 3
    Buy an internet connect fridge and install visual studio on it.
  • 2
    I've had an old laptop but it's not working anymore and I've been fixing it for years. It gave up on me after all :D
    I'm using my Android phone right now.
    I'll give this old laptop one last try.
    Any light operating systems I can run on it (if it worked)?
  • 1
    if you got an andrpid phone, you can hook up a keyboard with an otg cable and android has a lot of php server apps so it shouldnt be a problem
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