Imagine if everybody would actually answer with the truth to the question "How are you?", instead of going with the classic "fine, thank you" polite answers.

  • 5
    "I think the world has a lot of pos people in it that abuse other people for pleasure. I would really like to be part of the "solution" for this problem. I really wish more people would wake the fuck up and realize how evil the entire world actually is."


    "I'm doing okay."

    People should really think twice about asking questions they don't know the answer to.
  • 7
    Be the change you want to see
  • 2
    to the people who dont really care anyways well thats what they get
  • 2
    for the most cases ( mening random encounters ) it's a waste of time... they don't know you and even if you spend an hour to explain how you really feel they most probably won't get it... but I really am fine most of the time thank you ;)
  • 2
    Oh I always tell the truth
  • 4
    Thank god we just say good morning or hello here
  • 3
    People generally stopped asking me for that reason.
  • 2
    i always do.

    people who can't bear the answer can go fuck off and ask somebody else their dishonest smalltalk-question.
  • 4
    I was wondering that this morning after someone asked me this and I said “pretty good how bout u”. What I meant to say was, “mmmm prettttTTyyy SHITT actUALLY!! I am covered in kimchi that exploded on me at the grocery store and I only got a few hours of sleep! And I feel like my body is destroying itself!!!”
  • 2
    @msdsk hey, we could be friends!

    How are you?
  • 1
    @chonky-quiche wait, you didn't change before going to bed?
  • 0
    @Wisecrack nah the kimchi explosion happened that morning and the interaction was when I was walking back
  • 1
    @chonky-quiche sounds like something that would happen in a tacobell bathroom.
  • 2
    Tired as hell but surprisingly not bad, except that since yesterday my guts are fucking exploding and it makes meeting my girlfriend's girlfriend a bit awkward. And you?
  • 0
    @msdsk we're you involved in the kimchi incident?
  • 3
    I usually respond honestly to people, which they usually don’t know how to respond to because most people just say “okay” or “good, thanks”. I think most people that know me either a) learn not to ask or b) genuinely care about the answer and continue to inquire.
  • 4
    I actually got asked just that yesterday in the forest (lit. out of nowhere). I hadn't thought about myself in a while so I just stopped to think about how I am and they went on to ask their actual question after a brief silence.
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