
Waiting for an interviewee since over half an hour.
20 minutes ago he called from a local undertaker searching us... From there it is a 5 minute walk to our company.

I guess we don't hire someone who cannot use Google Maps to determine the location of a company...

  • 9
    Hire the guy if he is good in what he does. Don't be so judgemental. I know programmers who are very good but sometimes forget their own phone numbers 😁
  • 2
    Yeah, he called now that his battery was empty and we re-scheduled the interview to 4pm today. We will see. But the first impression was not *that* good.
  • 3
    But hey, we also had one a few weeks ago that came in about an hour (!) early. So you see a lot when doing interviews...
  • 3
    Is "expert google maps user" part of the requirements for the job?
  • 3
    Come on guys. Perhaps I'm a bit judgemental but part of the requirements is certainly to be able to be mildly on time on a place that is easily found online or via the address on any traditional map.
  • 3
    @deekay Hm, you make a point there. If you're late for the interview, will you ever be on time? Then again, is it crucial to be on time in a dev job? Maybe this guy has some sort of impairment making him inable to keep track of time, or he very easily gets lost. This is common among people with some sort of autism, which in turn is common among devs.
  • 1
    @trubesv That's also one possibility, but then he just shot himself in the foot. In that case, why could he not just be honest and say "Look, I'm truly sorry but I am running late...etc". Perhaps then @deekay would not have needed to rant about this guy tagging him as "incompetent", right? Wonder if that fella is on devRant and if he's reading this rant? I don't think he'd be very flattered *LOL*
  • 2
    @TerriToniAX Since he's coming today at 4 now I could ask him if he uses DevRant. Could be interesting.
  • 1
    @deekay Also interesting whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage ;) Maybe it depends on their +1, but reverse.
  • 1
    Having done interviews it's a surprisingly annoying thing when candidates turn up more than 5 minutes early. I've had a guy turn up half an hour early when I was in the middle of my lunch. Like, I'm all for not being late but find the place then just wonder around outside doing some prep if you're mega early.
  • 1
    @deekay So how did it go? *curious*
  • 1
    @TerriToniAX He was there. Talking more about our internal interview process would be inappropriate, sorry.
  • 1
    @deekay Totally understandable. But is he using devRant?
  • 1
  • 0
    @deekay Or at least he says so ;)
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