
"Just try and move your workflow to Windows, it's not that different from Linux"

My boss, when I asked him if I could install Arch on my company laptop

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    Ask him to show you windows equivalent to pacman. And the source code for windows for that matter. Those are the differences.
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    And welcome to devRant!
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    Well Windows does have a Linux subsystem nowadays ^^
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    @k0pernikus does it? I've heard a few friends talking about power shell and other things, but since I've never been forced to use Windows before I don't know much about that
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    @globalvariable uhm... Fun fact
    I am bi... I mean, you expected a deleveloper to be "narrow-minded" in relation to homosexuality? Like, most of us here are intelligent open modern people... Also, this phrase is a meme...
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    Of course, it's not so.... Different.,

    One used to hack, other used to be hacked by.
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    I hate this logic. The word "gay" has had the meaning of "stupid or dumb" for over a decade now. People in the LGBT community use "gay" to mean "stupid or dumb" as well. Just because the word has changed meanings does not mean that it disparages LGBT peoples.

    If you really want to go that route though, we should change "dumb" back to only meaning "unable to speak" or "lame" to "unable to walk". Or hell, change "gay" back to meaning "happy."

    Get over the fact that language evolves because that's what it fucking does.
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    Nice boss😂😂
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    @RiderExMachina absolutely agreed, good sir.
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    I know I just did the whole rant of language evolving, but "niggas" is going to go over better than "niggers."

    The language hasn't evolved THAT much ;)
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    The only unacceptable slur in language is goto. Eval is also pretty rough.

    On the original topic: First thing I did to my new company provided macbook was void the warranty by kicking off the EFI bootloader and OSX. Just didn't tell my boss 🤣
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    @asolda Here you go: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/...

    I installed it for the lulz on my game PC.

    I don't want to work on it though. For work, I like to use my Ubuntu Laptop.
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    @k0pernikus cheers mate!! I wish I could use an Ubuntu laptop for work as well! 😂
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    @isaacWeisberg umm.. no.

    IMO, being bisexual doesn't give you the right to use gay in a derogatory manner any more than Hispanics can use the n-word because they have *some* African heritage...

    Edit: this isn't meant to be oppressive or to censor your speech, but I'm calling it *rude*, and I think it kind of perpetuates bigotry subtly.
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    I think everyone has the *right* to use words, derogatory or not.

    Whether you *should* use them depends more on context and intent, than on which group you belong to.

    I have less of an issue with someone saying: "Niggah that pink leather suit is the fucking gayest thing ever, I love it", than "Black people and LGBTs should not have voting rights".

    I think the semantics and message of a sentence should matter more than the choice of words.
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    @asolda the wsl (windows subsystem for linux) is a great way to work around the nastyness of developing in windows. It doesn't support GUI yet, but at least there's a work-around to open windows programs from it, which is cool. Text editors like vim and nano work properly though. What you shouldn't ever do, and I think the system won't let you, is try to manipulate linux from windows. At least give it a try. It's fun to use ☺️
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