It's not always true that degree holders hate self-taught developers. Sometimes, it's the other way around. When somebody mentions he gained a cs degree, he sometimes gets hate, too, hearing "degrees are useless! yadayada..." like it's a sin to have one. We should never stop learning whether we have a degree or not, and we should stop this hate and divided culture.

  • 1
    What about self taught degree holders? I decided to do web dev 2.5 years into my bachelor's... For computing systems. Like, object oriented languages, compilers,database management,that kind of focus. Nothing to do with my degree, but I mean having a degree and that background knowledge isn't going to hurt.
  • 1
    @Crazed I would consider myself a self-taught degree holder too :)
  • 3
    @Crazed @nikolatesla What about a self-taught developer with a degree in microbiology? Where do we fit in?
  • 2
    Well a piece of paper without the knowledge is useless. If you needed college to learn it fine but personally i don't care either way cause i already had the knowledge before i got a piece of paper. As for hiring there should be a blind code review where age, sex,race, degrees, or experiance doesn't matter. Everybody learns at their own pace so age doesn't make a difference, wiether your man or woman or anything you have no control over shouldn't have anything to do with job offers/pay. As for degrees and experiance they're people that skate by on other peoples work so neither one of these should be considered as proof that someone can do a job.
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    @mojaveazure we're all in this together.
  • 1
    @mojaveazure I can relate. I was premed major, and most of my current work is with bionformatics.
  • 2
    Yeah, getting a degree may get a bad rep sometimes
  • 5
    I've been a self-taught developer, before getting a degree in CS.

    What can I say is that I fucking prefer self-taught devs over "degree" developers that can't do anything practical. So, I really like you guys.

    The other fact is that, without a CS degree, you really don't know what there is *behind* what you're doing. Algorithms, techniques, ways of thinking that I didn't even think about.
    There is a world that you probably don't know, and it's awesome.
  • 2
    Situation here is, you do a course, you take an exam, you pass and you have a degree.

    You will get the same degree if you pass by 40% or by 99.9%. What significance does that make? Also people here can do anything to pass.
    And the courses are based more on theory rather than practical applications.

    I spend more time doing projects, because I feel by doing that I can actually learn something. And for that I need to be self-taught, so.....
  • 1
    But degree holder doesn't not like self leaner. Or they don't understand the one who learn by self.
    My college is a total waste, course and degree have no interest of mine, or the colleague, who are just pursuing to get a degree.
    When I tell someone I want to drop out, or atleast take a year Gap, to learn what I want to. Everyone blows their head and consider as if I don't want to study and tell me how there is no life without a degree. Like they don't know the degree and course I will be getting have any value

    Why to waste time on something which is not of your interest, you can hardly face it
  • 1
    It doesn't really matter. You can either do the job or not regardless of a degree.
  • 1
    @Pizza I was going to reply to your comment and give you my wisdom and give my two cents but as I read on your covered it all. Read my mind and a fucking brilliant post my good sir.

    A lot of people think that just because a cs degree is largely unnecessary, that for some reason a cs grad somehow knows less than a self learner.

    Not at all true. For one, I applaud anyone who could suffer through four years of general ed and otherwise hell.
  • 0
    I have a degree, though not in CS, and I am a self-taught programmer, what does that make me?😁
  • 0
    @kb88 Someone who has a degree, not in cs though, and is a self taught programmer. Possible self identity issues.
  • 0
    @eArshdeep yeah dude, whatever...
  • 0
    @kb88 I didn't offend you did I? Not the intention.
  • 0
    @boo1997 I don't know about you but 40% has never been a passing grade I've seen anywhere.
  • 1
    @kb88 A veloceraptor. ☺️
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