Are you fuckin kiddin me!!

  • 2
    Gotta love Apple πŸ˜‚
  • 2
    Oh I wish siri could say that on a mac/iMac, would be so much fun to punch into her face/screen
  • 2
    Increase the page size?
  • 3
    U dont use the dark theme - thats the reason πŸ˜‚
  • 4
    Xcode using 28gb of RAM per usual...
  • 4
    so you've paid $2000 for a machine with 8gb ram? that makes sense😁
  • 1
    @kb88 right to the heart man πŸ’”
  • 1
    Well... With Windows it is a miracle if you can run more than 3 Programs so...
  • 1
    @wholl0p well I witness the miracles daily ....
  • 1
    @sam9669 @dontbeevil ... The last time I used Windows heavily was 2-3 years ago on a HP Envy 17 with i5, 12GB RAM, ... (Don't know the exact specs anymore) and Windows 8! And running Spotify, Visual studio, Chrome and Notepad++ at the same time causes the notebook to slow down as fuck and even very often to stop working... That's my experience... Then I switched to a macOS / Linux - dualboot and voilà the problem was gone...
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    @dontbeevil another story is when a colleague who studies engineering and is constantly asking me for help because his 1,500$ Windows machine crashes when he uses CAD software... He reinstalled it multiple times, upgraded to an SSD, etc.. still crashing and lagging as hell. It's not just me but also many many people around me... Windows is just crap
  • 1
    @dontbeevil okay fanboy, listen: just because you are in love with that shitty peace of software doesn't mean it's holy, okay? I used Windows a long time, I only had problems, my friend's have problems with it and it continues to produce problems.. I hate it and that's my opinion, I made bad experiences with it, that magically disappeared after switching to Linux and macOS. Windows is good for gaming, but that's it. <-- My opinion
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