
After working with Laravel for a while and all the awesomsauce of blade engine, I had to go back and make a Wordpress theme for a client...

The amount of opened and closed php tags in view files is just hidious to look at... :(

  • 0
    sounds like too much business logic in templates?

    or just a lot of variables?
  • 0
    Nah, iz has nothing to do with that. It's just i got used to blade templating and using @ and {{}} instead od opening <?php and closing ?> for every time i have to do something.

    For example - i have 6 different post-type queries for the homepage. Each needs a specific way of displaying post data with some custom meta fields... And each of those requires opening and closing php tags. That's just the way ot works when you have php and html mixed together.

    I finally understand why so many people bash WP for development :/
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