
PHP is pretty nice actually. Am I going crazy?

  • 7
    If it works for you that's great. There are tons of good (and bad) software written in PHP. I mean isn't it always that there are more people who dislike something when it is popular?

    And for me: PHP is not a good language but that is my opinion. So no, you're alright I guess. 😁
  • 7
    My 2 cents is that you can write very good php code if you know other languages too. It is not very good for a first language if you want good code.
  • 41
    I love PHP!!
  • 9
    @dfox God has spoken 😂
  • 9
    I dont get why everyone hate php so much, its not that bad
  • 7
    I like PHP. I think if you know what you're doing with it and follow the latest standards in code and security, it's fine. It's just that there are so many bad or outdated pieces of PHP code out there..
  • 10
    I like php, too.

    Php, esp. php7 feels like Java without the verbosity and inane setup. (Java has a more simple step through debugger setup though.)

    I dislike what a lot of newbie and fire-and-forget-developer do with the language. Yet that's also a testament to its ease of use.
  • 1
    Ye it is *that* bad
  • 4
    Im not saying that learning Php and leave it on that is most magnificent thing to do, for god's sakes. I do both Java and Php and I find both awesome in their own way.
  • 0
    I see that you are in the early stages of interaction with the language
  • 2
    I don't think masochism requires you to be crazy.
  • 7
    I don't like PHP, but it works, and has an insanely well supported ecosystem.

    Well-written PHP7 code can be nice to work with, but inexperienced devs can quickly fuck up a project.
  • 0
    For me is good. For who says it is not good, which are your "alternatives"?
  • 0
    i heard you should try php dates of you say that
  • 6
    PHP is imho the best language for request/response web servers. It has been developed for this particular use case and it performs very well. Ofc some framework and few more utilities are needed for best results (such as usage of Redis for cache), but you can do well without them.

    Also it is, atleast here, in Czech republic, one of the most known languages, so it is easier and cheaper to use it for companies, but still well paid from dev point of view.

    Much of hate on PHP comes from pre-5.4 versions, when OOP wasn't that good and it has been mostly written as ugly spaghetti code.
  • 2
    @itzyzex literally @No-one thinks you are going crazy. So I think it's safe to assume you are not going crazy
  • 0
  • 1
    @SupressWarnings i see what u did there
  • 1
    @k0pernikus xdebug can be used for step through debugging
  • 0
    No since you realised it on your own
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