
Study Finance they said... u don't need CS....


  • 31
    "let's use different shades of green instead of different colours to confuse the fuck out of everyone!"

    - The idiot who created this chart
  • 3
    @VirtualProtect the chart and legend are in decreasing order you know.....

    i m just saying,,,,
  • 1
    @billgates hmm I think this changes things... now I'm the idiot! Damn it! Thanks Billy boy
  • 0
    @VirtualProtect np... it does take a while to notice. I read the whole article, lots of charts, i guess after awhile you pick it up.
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    Meh, I mean most of googles projects were bought
  • 3
    @VirtualProtect im mostly colorblind except for greens so i really appreciate this chart
  • 1
    @calmyourtities wait what for this have to do with Google specifically?
  • 1
    @billgates im just saying something i would consider one of the biggest tech giants, possibly the biggest, makes most of its money and buisness of buying companies, it's just a point that you can still be highly involved in the tech industry by having a financial job
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    @AlexDeLarge probably rounding
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    @billgates not strictly, no answer is more than arts but is below it in the chart
  • 0
    @xalez No Answer is special, is like NA or null. Complete the piechart basically though as Alex said it's of by 1

    @AlexDeLarge you actually added all of them up... And made me as them up too...
  • 0
    @billgates no answer is, I assume, for people who said they don't know or refused to answer

    they don't need to put something to complete the pie chart since this is %'s of the sample they asked
  • 0
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