Just a personal request to @dfox
Can you screenshot only the part of the behind the scenes code of devrant? Just the part of it.
I want to see the syntax and how the language is used.

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    And you too, if you can

    I am not stealing code, just want to take a look
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    I'm definitely stealing code,but hopefully I'll make some improvements that you can steal from 😉
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    Backend PHP/Neo4j code or JS Titanium app frontend code?
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    @pseudonymdk ah, true - the app code is really messy though :/
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    @dfox vim? no Auto Format?
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    @dfox Backend PHP would be awesome IF possible! 😍
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    @dfox titanium js specifically
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    *Grabs a chair*
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    So many subs
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    (definitely dfox is cleaning his code 😂😂😂)
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    @pseudonymdk 😂😂😝😝😝
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    I didn't forget about this, just want to try to come up with something decently interesting to post.
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    @dfox understandable
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    @matsaki95 he is cleaning his code for the first time ever
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    Here’s a screenshot of some code from the recent “post type” screen that was added :)
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    @dfox Looks quite neat!

    'generateBigButton' 😆 idk somehow that looks funny/cute imo :)
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    @pseudonymdk Titanium definitely has a lot of issues but on iOS it’s pretty solid and Android, with some time dedicated, is adequate but not great. At this point React Native might be a better solution.

    However, I can tell you from the results a friend of mine got from React Native, there are things that Titanium did much better, at least at that point about 6 months ago. Native animations and windowing was significantly better on iOS in Titanium compared to React Native. The React Native iOS window animations felt really bad at the time. Though it’s very possible they’ve gotten better at this point.

    I definitely want to look at React Native in the future but at this point it was also be a huge pain to convert our apps.
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    @dfox Looks like XCode...

    When I first saw TiApp my reaction was you're coding for a calculator?
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