
Im going through my router config yestersay and realize that in the security part an ip address is set to permitted.

Iplocation its a company that owns this other company which is my ISP.

Is it normal for an ISP to provide a router with a permitted ip address set by default?

Is this not calles a “porte derobee” (sorry i just know the french terminology,“sneaky doorway”)???

  • 1
    Makes some sense if the isp offers techncal support, they can just jump on your router and reboot it 😂

    If I spotted that on any of my routers I would send it back.
  • 1
    It is a common practice among some providers - called remote maintenance. Ou en français: télémaintenance.
  • 1
    If they provided the router then yes. As C0D4 said it's probably used for remote support.
  • 0
    Id turn it off. You will learn more that way.
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