
Probably the most awkward feeling call happened to me just recently.

I was to interview a guy that's like 10 years older from me with 10y more experience in mostly unrelated tech. I was prepared to have some respect for the guy, and was a bit anxious, but that changed quickly.

The first fucking thing he says, on the fucking job Interview is essentially "I've worked in tech for 20 or so years, and I don't appreciate being tested" great start .. needless to say, I tried to reformulate all my prepared Interview questions so they sound as casual as I could while still trying to get him to tell me *anything*. Most of the time I just felt like "why are we even here dude, you clearly don't care about any of this"...

About 12 or so questions later It was finally clear that none of his experience is useful, and even the exp he has sounds like past companies kept him around as a number...

I want to try a few more edge cases, hoping to find anything we could work with, when he calls me out on it and says "Well now you're testing me, I don't like being tested" at which point I pretty much gave up on the dude and let my HR colleague talk.

Then out of nowhere the guy brings up his mortgage, and how he needs money, and how no one wants to give him a job, and that if we don't want him, we should just tell him now.

Then he starts asking how many people we're interviewing, which is obviously stuff we can't answer, I just said "normal amount" to dodge the question at first, but that just made him more closed off and he just silently remarked "so you can be picky..."

That was one of the most painful interviews I had so far. Me and ny colleague pretty much instantly agreed that he's not a good culture fit for us. Probably not a fit for any company really, not with that attitude.

PS: it was a video call, though he had his camera turned off at first, so it was only me with a camera for half the call. He turned it on just about as I had enough of him.

  • 10
    I have had shitty interviews in the past. But nothing like that. I sort of get his attitude a bit. He sounds like he is tired of this shit. But certainly not an attitude to learn or grow. Sad really.
  • 7
    @Demolishun yeah same.

    The worst part is that the tech he knows is largely irrelevant now. He's getting into AWS and docker so I think he wants to learn, but his Attitude is probably fucked by all the corporantes he worked for...
  • 4
    That's sad. Feel bad for the guy. Something probably happened to him he's that way
  • 7
    If I got debt hanging over my head, I would at least try to look interested in the job and would be thankful for the opportunity.

    I have older friend that was into tech few years before me, he had a job while at the same time I was struggling to get my first one to get into tech etc. but he had similar attitude, something between the lines - everyone should give job to other people just because. He is now bus driver... And I don't mean that in software way!

    Blaming everyone for his mistakes/choices and bad attitude and getting really depressed about the whole industry is no way to land new or maintain the existing job.

    Yes, it sucks a lot of times, but I still think it is way better than a lot of jobs from different other industries that I had as a student.
  • 2
    @devJs does your friend have some advise what bus to drive for @b2plane?

    Not a bus driver in software sense - I lold.

    Btw, i would also have issues pretendimg to be happy with debt above my head. Thank god - I've had luck in life regarding that subject. Never had less than -2000,-
  • 2
    @retoor he would mention some open source project for sure, but for really good passenger experience he would probably recommend Setra!

    I had very poor quality of life before entering the tech industry and that was inspiration and my main drive to succeed.

    I guess we are all built different!
  • 5
    People often complain that job interviews are a blunt tool, unrealistic and can be passed by just learning to say what sounds good.

    But they fail to see that it's a kind of sanity check that helps you avoid people like this, who have a quirk and can't even pretend to be pleasant
  • 1
    Sounds like he knows the answer to
  • 0
    Which of these companies kept him the longest?

    Tech Mahindra
  • -1
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  • 0
    FS I would shut the laptop on him after he said “I don’t appreciate being tested” like mf u better give me respect
  • 0

    > All the work that I did

    What, you finally caught up with the current century. Good fucking job bro. Should I also throw you a party? I just gave you an advice, you gonna have much more success getting people to contribute with a Git repo you cunt, stick with it.

    Get a fucking grip dude. No one on the internet owes you anything, so don't act like they do. Don't be a spoiled brat and learn some patience, you're old enough for that mr. big lawyer. How can someone even feel this entitled...
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