
As a Software Engineer
I want agile bros to fucking understand the amount (scope) of work their stupid user stories contain. So that I don't have to rant about it and go back and forth between 10k people to figure out what the fuck they want.

  • 3
    I like the tickets to be mini. Has some administratieve overhead but you'll do a few a day. It feels productieve
  • 3
    Pinning your happiness to change in others is a losing strategy.

    Instead, create a label for "requires grooming", and when you get one, label it and bring it up in the next grooming session.

    If you don't have grooming sessions, add a new meeting for Grooming x, and in the description write "required for work to continue". Add the real stake holders only, and pin it to 15/30 minutes.

    Don't follow, lead. A juniors job is to provide value to the business by learning. A seniors job is to provide value to the business by doing. And a staff/principal/architects job is to provide value to the business by leading.
  • 2
    as opposed to waterfall requirements reading and estimation?
  • 1
    As long as they add a description they're already ahead of some people that are considered key figures...
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