
friend: *sees me using linux on my laptop* oh hey u got the same desktop as my boyfriend's

me: "really? hes using linux mint too? since when did he change from windows to linux?"

friend: "whats linux?"

me: "this" *shows some features*

friend: "oh i thought it was just the background picture......"

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    @Hikky really dude?
    1. She never said friend is a he.
    2. Even if it is a he, so what?
  • 6
    @Hikky Maybe you should try to get some sleep?
  • 3
    @Hikky I got the joke mate and its nuance, there alot of underage kids here that are not internet savvy enough to be aware of many internet memes and such specially the ones from the "old days", like if I said "I hope those that dont get this joke go an Hero" how many truly will get that and not have to google it to get it ... also alot people here still have a hard time at English properly
  • 2
    @legionfrontier there are people that don't know "an hero"?

    (Also, that's something someone does; you don't tell people to do it. It's a sad Pepe decision.)
  • 0
    Interestingly enough I use the standard Ubuntu wallpaper on my win10 laptop (don't hate)
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