
my girlfriend knows how to work with linux based systems and she does not like apple products. She's the one!

  • 4
  • 4
    Does she like MS thingies though...
  • 5
    @linuxxx i think she only uses it because sims is running on it.
  • 34
    @nahson hating apple is harmony on a cosmic level
  • 5
    lucky you!...it's almost impossible for me to find someone like your girlfriend..

    "Linus...what?? Where is the button 'Start'?"
    "it's Linux, GNU/Linux actually"
  • 13
    git married :))
  • 1
    marry them linux babez!!!
  • 7
    But...but....but OS X is a Unix derivative as well.
  • 4
    There's a girl that I talk to on Discord that wants to make her own kernel, she's currently teaching herself programming.
    I've already known her for a bit but that just made us closer. (from a distance :D)
  • 7
    Having the same religion always is a plus
  • 3
    @AleCx04 yes.
    All people need is to use it for a while, then they appreciate it.

    I like osX but now that I am back to Linux I don't miss it.
  • 1
    @mundo03 true that. Generally I greatly preffer Linux, but it someone hands me a macbook I will not dislike it. I really like all operating systems, even though i complain a lot about windows.
  • 3
    @AleCx04 I no longer remember how to use the windows command prompt, I left windows before the powershell and now it has bash.

    I still try to avoid using Windows, I paly on it and I record and edit audio ok it due to software and compatibility with hardware.

    OsX is nice, does everything for you as Ubuntu does. It is nice to have something that you can just work with.

    But then you miss on the fun of really using Linux, mess up things, fix them, fuck then again :p

    Anyway, for work and having something reliable I thing osX is good.
  • 3
    Same here, man. These Linux-compatibles are keepers for sure!

    (I was going to make a terrible pun and say Linux-Compatibae, but decided to save you all the agony. You're welcome.)
  • 1
    Where does one find a specimen like the one you described?
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