
When your peer dev is ++'ing your shit on devRant instead of git pushing the project so you can work on it too 😒 @filipe095

  • 4
    Now why don't you ++ this one too you little bastard, hum? x) And just push the damn thing already, will you? 😂
  • 2
    haha! loling over here
  • 1
    Fight fight fight!
  • 1
    I'm glad u guys have Git.
    We use TFS with exclusive checkout, have to wait for others to check in file before can do something. Moreover, getting latest version can break code in your project anytime as we don't believe in branching and merging and use lot of shared libraries as core for all projects.
  • 1
    I did now. Now shut up and do your work xp
  • 1
    @navi I didn't even know about TFS, but wow, that sounds counterproductive... And no branching on top of that, why?
  • 0
    @navi Are you the only one who'd prefer another VCS? 😂
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