
Yes I am a Linux user and yes I don't like windows and this is NOT a windows hate post but I've been a windows user intil the age of 15 and this is the one thing I still cannot wrap my head around. Fun fact is that I also talked about this with my examinator guy who is a 'hardcore' windows user and he fully agreed 😆

Whenever I was either at the start menu or within for example the downloads folder, when I'd put something in there or downloaded something and later on wanted to search for it through the start menu or the folder viewer itself, IT ALWAYS RETURNED AS 'NOT FOUND'.

Whenever I search for that fucking file, it always said that it couldn't find the damn fucking file.


I've used many linux distro's and even OSX for a very little and it always works perfectly on there but windows ALWAYS fucked this one up for me and appearantly (according to them though) I am not the only one who this doesn't work for!

I still find this one very weird.

  • 6
    until* yeah too fucking lazy to edit.
  • 1
    @demiko What? 😅
  • 6
    I know that issue. My guess is that windows does not index anything for performance reasons, e.g. it ignores unknown file types. MS may think that the common windows user wouldn't look after these types of files anyways.
  • 8
    Almost thought you were not a Linux user *phew*
  • 14
    I'm a MS dev so use windows most of the time, and can undersign whole rant :D

    There are areas where windows are Ok but search isn't o e of them.

    I just use Everything search app from Void tools - it's fast and indexes every fucking file!

    If I need to search files that contain a piece of text in them - I use locate32
  • 2
    @olezhka Glad i'm not the only one!
  • 2
    @AlexDeLarge Yeah not sure why I do it anyways myself. In the past I've posted more stuff on why I do not like windows (also very much in rant form) and those sometimes got so many hate that I feel the need to 'apologise' in front in order not to receive so much hate. Although I can handle the hate very well :P
  • 2
    @AlexDeLarge I sometimes care about that a little too much online but slowly learning to give less fucks indeed.

    As for IRL, yeah, I don't give much fucks anymore as for what people think about me becuase if I would, I probably wouldn't go outside anymore.

    On the last sentence, is that like an attack thingy aimed at me or?
  • 2
    Come brother, cry on my shoulder! I am a Windows guy but F sake search is garbage, have a look at my rant about it, there are some wonderful comments...
  • 2
    @olezhka ++ for the everything app. My coworkers showed me this one and I couldn't believe how fast it worked and that it worked at all. If you search it will find it. If it isn't in the everything app search results it probably doesn't exist (or is on a network drive). Even love the regex searching!
  • 2
    Guess why you should use a tool such as "Everything"? Because of shit like this.
  • 1
    Which is why if I have to use windows I use listary and one commander
  • 3
    I have this problem in my Windows machine too, and to add onto the bad periodic indexing: every so often the file indexing program will suddenly use 30-40% of my CPU out of nowhere!
  • 6
    I agree 100% Windows search is a piece of trash
  • 0
    Thats why I use Everything with Wox and Ultrasearch because windows search doesn't work properly. Is there a change you studied at MBO Utrecht?
  • 0
    @AlexDeLarge @linuxxx have you guys read Subtle art of not giving a fuck? ;)
  • 0
    @alcamore just kill the native indexng service!
  • 0
    @AlexDeLarge Granted, not that you'd specifically need it, Alex.

    I liked the book as it prompted me to re-think my conditioned personality a bit, to... Well, give less fucks where not needed
  • 0
    @AlexDeLarge Exactly what it sounds like. Several key points:
    - in interaction with others: social or self-imposed (but still derived from surrounding culture) behavior patterns that undermine my self-interests
    - in decision making: worrying over wrong things, screwed priorities that are again not in my or my immediate family best interests
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