
Excel is starting to piss me off. Can't do Ctrl+A in a search field, can't do ctrl+A in the standard input field, and now it turns out it can't open files with the same name (on different paths) at the same time. What the actual fuck?

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    Lazy engineers at Microsoft i guess :)
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    Home, Shift-End, roundabout control-A for those one line boxes that don't support select all.
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    Trust me, after studying engineering for 4 years i have such a dynsfunctional relationship with excel. Sometimes i want to hug my pc because of how awesome it is but some days when you run into the most illogical design patterns that increase your work 10x you want to hunt down and personally slap every developer's 1st born son
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    It gets worse if you want to have two workbooks side by side on two monitors.

    Last time I tried to get multi instances working I broke excel to the point it wouldn't open files anymore.
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