
When your coffee supplier won't let you order < 5. Client side validation wins again.

  • 129
    Set it to zero and see what kind of confused email you get back from them.
  • 232
    @Kaylum Set it to -1 and see if you get paid instead!
  • 9
    That's kind of stealing
  • 27
    you're making the assumption that the validation is only on the client side. All client side code runs on your machine technically you can always modify it
  • 28
    @corjaantje But only after you send them coffee?
  • 12
    HTML Tables... Had no idea it was still a thing
  • 25
    @tevyt I got to PayPal checkout and it hadn’t caught it yet.
  • 4
    @beouk I am proud of you for not attempting to steal.
  • 2
    @elazar It’s not as it’s a unit price.
  • 42
    @DefiniteGoose Good practice is having both. Clientside so they get immediate feedback and don't spam you with invalid requests and server side for bastards like us who use the F12 key.
  • 33
    You showed em.
  • 0
    @beouk there's a reason for this restriction.
  • 10
    Help the company and set it to zero. Write a blog and let more people buy from them. The company will earn more.

    You will be a hero then

    Might win an oscar .....Nobel prize for economics
  • 13
    On one site the credit card expiration dates was a select that went only up to 2020 and my card expires in 2021 so I added that option to the select, but then I thought if this will succeed will I trust that site with my credit card? Ended up ordering by phone (which is even less secure...)
  • 1
    @Godisalie f12 is great for finding browser saved passwords, just change the input type to anything else, mash the keyboard or something and it defaults to text. It's way easier then heading over to chrome://settings/passwords and putting in the OS password..
  • 1
    Youuu hackerrrr
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    @GodHatesMe @Godisalie
    You guys and your nicknames ☺️
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    @Noob I'm everything but creative and this is the best my 13 year old me could come up with.
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    This is our right as developers!! Hahaha
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    I don't see an issue here as long as the request gets rejected - as a backend guy I love to see some people doing basic validation. Preventing a lot of calls resulting in a 400 and also improving the UX.
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    Yeaahahha ahahah
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  • 2
    @DefiniteGoose in their defense, it's possiblevthat they use both. Client side validation for quick user prompts and the like; server side validation for actual validation
  • 1
    A feature not a bug
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    @TrojanMorse What is so bad on HTML tables? If you use them properly, it is best choice. And forms are one of the good use-cases.
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    @AllenII aye. I use both all the time.
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    @jAsE that means, people are dick. Follow one only when it is famous
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    @Artemix what if I use div and spans ? Anyway I have to use CSS to style it.
    It's not like using JSON against array. You can create table with divs and spans

    Well the only benefit I can see, is visual separation in markup or search engine optimization
  • 0
    @Artemix why is it so ?
  • 3
    So what's the follow up? Did it let you place the order with PayPal? Did the coffee arrive?
  • 1
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