  • 8
    @Haxk20 I do use git.
    Unless I use the superior method of copying all your versions into one file and commenting out older code which is truly an amazing form of version control
  • 0
    Hahaha this is so true. Can anyone enlighten me as to what Subversion is?
  • 1
    @Jerome very similar to git it's just another form of version control however I think most people prefer git over subversion you might know it as SVN
  • 1
    I once had to use a USB drive for a demo at an employer that was already unhappy with my difficulty integrating with their team. It didn't help that the devops lead wouldn't merge code until the last possible second, which was why I was having to resort to a USB drive. I got fired from that one.
  • 0
    and defult browser for html files is edge ftw!
  • 1
    @stackodev sounds like getting fired was worth it.
  • 0
    @iSwimInTheC it was. Bad cultural fit as well. Couldn't find my niche on the team.
  • 1
    git reset HARD~
  • 1
    This guy really use IE as default application for html files? o.O
  • 0
    A friend of mine is a computer engineer and uses notepad for coding. Not notepad++, but the normal plain notepad of Windows... Good luck with that...
  • 0
    @ThatDude Been there done that. Mechanical engineer project partner ‘does not believe in git’ says it’s ‘too troublesome to learn’
    Well I hated those emails anyway
  • 0
    @jclin95 What? I have only been coding for about 2 years and learnes the basics of git in an hour. Best shit ever.
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