
Website: "your ad blocker's on, consider adding us to your white list..."
Me: *inspect element*
Me: *Delete modal*
*Insert montage of me hacking into the mainframe for dramatic purposes*

I'm in. 😎

  • 6
    Also, you can add a filter on the adblocker to hide the stupid modal every time.

    I do this to stop my bank's self advertisement
  • 25
    site: your adblocker is on...
    me: ctrl w
  • 12
    Be glad you don't live in Europe. At the moment, there is a debate about whether adblockers are illegal because they bypass code. Javascript is currently considered as a kind of copy protection.

    So if a website only allows access when the adblocker is turned off and you still use an adblocker to access the site, you are acting illegally.

    Crazy world.
  • 2
    @tracktraps that Is already solved, it is perfectly legal to use an adblocker, I think that was the 5th lawsuit in that topic
  • 4
  • 10
    SHITTY WEBSITE: consider removing you adblocker.

    ME: Consider removing your obnoxious banners the play auto and occupy more than 30% of the real-estate that should be showing the shitty article that you plagiarized from some other website, you dirt, worthless son of a motherless donkey. Go fuck yourself!
  • 0
    @mundo03 No, that's not entirely solved. There are ongoing legal proceedings.

    Using an Adblocker is legal, of course, but not when it is used to access websites that have "effective copy protection". Javascript is regarded as an "effective copy protection". The Adblocker circumvents this protection, so it is still not legal.
  • 2
    The worst is when they spawn a new modal as soon as you remove it.
  • 2
    @BindView this is the correct way to respond to this abuse.
  • 0
    @tracktraps I recall that, I believe court said this is bullshit.

    Js code can be copyrighted or whatever and the user can change it, as long as the original file in the server.

    But, this might be in battle as you said, I could not find an article on it.

    Is this in Germany ?
  • 1
    @mundo03 I think the debate started in Germany. As far as I know, everything that circumvents copy protection is forbidden in Germany. I would have to research the exact legal situation in other European countries, but I'm almost certain that it also applies there.
  • 0
    @tracktraps in hungary you can download pirated games or movies as long as you dont sell them tho
  • 0
    @BindView In Poland you can do everything - nobody is interested in it. They sell pirate copies on almost every street corner. I'm not from Poland, but I know some developers from there :)
  • 1
    Surely just editing your hosts file will bypass all of these issues
  • 1
    @tracktraps it’s not like that. Indeed, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Czech and a few other countries have nothing against piracy as long as you don’t sell or make money from that (it includes donations for torrent trackers etc.). This is why a lot of torrent trackers are selling vip accounts for example along with a service (stupid unusable shared hosting etc.)

    Here in Romania they tried to track the torrent users and make them pay fines but it’s impossibru. Literally everybody is abusing piracy. On another hand: we don’t have Pandora, Spotify, Hulu, Amazon Prime and Netflix is extremely limited. How are we supposed to access things? I personally, being a developer, does not influence me too much. I can afford to pay for a decent VPN in US but the rest of the country doesn’t.
  • 0
    @tracktraps actually I do live in Europe but I had no idea about that D:
  • 1
    There is a website for shows and movies which pops up a window saying you have to log in. A co-worker was next to me when I erased the line from the inspector and he was like "WOOOOOOOW YOURE SO AWESOME"
  • 1
    @BartBB now you will forever be known at work as the elite hacker that you are
  • 1
    I use AdNauseum and subscribe to the anti adblock filters.
  • 0
    @mundo03 @BindView @Lahsen2016 @m0fo @mrAlx @Hikky

    Germany has always been the guinea pig for laws.

    It's always the same procedure:

    1. District Court
    2. State Court
    3. Higher Regional Court
    4. Federal Supreme Court (last instance for/in Germany)
    5. European Court of Justice (EuGH)

    At the moment, we are already at the Higher Regional Court on this matter, which means it's practically a law in Germany.
    Now a trial at the Federal Court of Justice is being sought. Afterwards it goes on to the European Court of Justice.

    Once the European Court of Justice has ruled, the law is binding for all European countries that are EU members.

    So, two more instances and all EU-Members are screwed.
  • 0
    I usually just make a decision at that point of "do I really care about the contents of this article or site". If the answer is no, I just close it instead of giving them ad revenue.

    If the answer is yes, I inspect the modal and remove it as was mentioned above. If JavaScript makes another moral pop up, I go into the console and remove the listeners for such events.
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