Why is PHP so amazing? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • 61
    Sometimes i wish it was legal to smoke whatever it is you are smoking.
  • 5
    Because you've not discover c# yet 😉
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    @ItsNotMyFault It's not my fault it's not legal lol
    What? You dislike PHP?
  • 9
    @Jonnyforgotten I have and I hate it, I hate everything related to Microsoft, I also hate Java
  • 10
    Because it is 😍 @Jonnyforgotten and no offense but fuck C# 😉
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    Because you can do what ever you like, how ever you like , and not be told by a bloody compiler what you should be doing.

    This however does lead to “stupid fucking wordpress devs” if you don’t restrain yourself and adhere to atleast some standards.
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    @bennythecat96 Hello fellow Microsoft hater!
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    You must be new to devRant. This kind of post, wether you like PHP or not, fucks people off. But welcome to devRant 😄
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    @helloworld Just look at his upvote count. That should tell enough about the 'new' part 😆.

    Welcome man!
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    Because you haven't written anything in something else? :D
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    @C0D4 declare(strict_types=1) & error_reporting(E_STRICT) as the first thing in your Bootstrap, index, kernel.. Whichever comes first.
    does help with that.. A bit :p
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    Strict typing I tend to just write more code to enforce that, it’s PHP after all.

    As for error reporting E_ALL for the brave and E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE is good practise to get into.
  • 6
    Fuck Microsoft and c#.

    For the glory of php7
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    Ok, as someone who loves c# and knows nothing about php, can you point me at a good place to learn it? Is pluralsight a good place to start or is there somewhere better?
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    Plural sight doesn’t have PHP. Which I found interesting.

    Lynda.com or codeacadamy should have soon good tutorials. If you can look for PHP7 rather then 5+
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    Whats even the deal with this anti-PHP shit?
    As if a node or java server (where you have to do e.g. the whole request-response logic everytime) will be better performancewise. (Speed, CPU- and RAM usage)

    For just a serverside script it's sick shit. And fast af w/ php7.
    And security is a thing of implementation. I'm so sorry that shell_exec($GET) is a pretty shit idea.:b

    Yes, I'm triggered as hell.😂
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    What is love? My definition is that love is when you have positive feelings about something or someone despite the things you don't like about it/them. Basic is a crappy language and I don't like it, yet I love it!
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    @daintycode The thing is: 90% of all php code out there is just horrible.
    That's mainly because PHP was originally used as a script language inside your HTML - which results in disgusting code when you attempt anything more complex.

    Today's PHP has come a very long way though - and you can write very clean code with it. However, because of its history, many devs still develop like 5 years ago - and a lot of legacy code is around.
    That gives PHP a very bad image among many devs who have seen some examples of PHP code (or just followed one of the many horrible tutorials which don't teach you anything about OOP and proper software architecture).
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    I was going to write a long a meaningful post about PHP but I'm too lazy for that at the moment so I'll just post the summary:

    Fuck PHP!
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    @ItsNotMyFault best comment 😂
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    @TerriToniAX what is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more
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    @NoMad oh, I just thought your name was because you have trouble settling in one place for long :p
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    Stockholm syndrome?
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    PHP is okay. I dont like it, but i dont hate it either.. Php makes me Feel restricted, you can only make websites, no desktop applications, which is why i rather want to do JAVA or C#.
    That said PHP is really good to what it is supposed to do ;-)
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    @Greggergalactic So does Python... I have to disagree. A language is not bad only because it allows bad usage, as long as it doesn't deliberately encourage it.
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    Somehow most php tutorials encourage quick and dirty learning. Python with its inherent tab restrictions produces code which is more conducive to be readable by humans... Just my perspective
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    Ew. php.
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    How is PHP awesome?

    I know it best of all other languages, and I must say it sucks ballz.
    First up - functions. Stupid functions. Inconsistent functions. Especially string functions. Fuck those functions.
    Second up - $. Why do I have to write it in front of every variable? It pisses me off.
    Third - it's quite a weak language. Reflection is weak, debugging is shit, no threading support, bad support for custom data types (you can't make your own integer type).

    There's only 2 things good about PHP:
    1. That it's a template engine by itself
    2. Traits are a nice addition to its OOP, though they can make things really messy.
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    @San-python-king That's absolutely true. But I wouldn't say that this is PHPs fault at its current state. There are historical reasons for this (see my first post in this rant).

    That's why I wouldn't call the language 'bad' only because they're are many people (including authors of tutorials) who don't know how to use it.
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    Why is it so amazing? Either because you're really easily impressed, or you have yet to see any *real* programming languages. Or maybe you just need counselling. I know lots of folks on here think it's wonderful, but I think it's the ugliest piece of shit I ever had the misfortune to step in.
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    most likely because you're delirious =D
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    Is PHP hated due to it having a really low barrier to entry and thus lots of poor quality code or does it have some inherent design flaws?
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    Why? Because.. *ahem*

    It's P-H-P. It's dynamite!
    P-H-P there isn't even a fight!
    P-H-P, it's a powerlode!
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    @theScientist that's my answer to every statement that singles our a technology. :)
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    @KapL you can do desktop applications in php


    The problem with php isn't that it is restrictive or slow, the problem is that it is inconsistent, messy and has a retarded execution model by default.

    The problems aren't a big issue if you and everyone who has ever touched the code you work on know what they are doing but once yoy have a large codebase with parts outsourced to the lowest bidder the amount of retarded shit that is perfectly valid php code (and thus accepted by management since it does what was asked for) becomes a major pain in the arse.
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    @hash-table The only reason php became popular is because its competition in th early days consisted of perl and vbscript.
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    @Jonnyforgotten Ignore @linuxxx. He doesn't have glasses like you. So he doesn't C#
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    @vlatkozelka imho:
    PHP is a badly "designed" language (It really wasn't designed, it grew out of a collection of web related macros and sort of became a language by accident) and it never dared to fix the fundamental flaws because it would break backwards compatibility (Javascript is hated for similar reasons).
    Python got a lot of hate for doing the opposite with the breaking 2.x -> 3.x transition but now we have a much cleaner language as a result and personally i think PHP should follow suit with php 8, restructure the standard library (toss out most of it), turn scalar values, arrays and functions into proper objects, use unicode for all strings, do strict comparison only (remove ===, if you want to compare an int and a string you can cast the fuckers so its obvious what your intention is) and change the execution model (run the code as a service rather than as a request processor that can't share shit between requests without resorting to serializing objects to shared memory)
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    Because shared hostings are cheap
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    @penry both, actually.
    third reason then, is that due to the combination of low barrier of entry and significant design flaws, many beginners who pick it up as their first language learn bad practices and approach to coding due to using it.

    many of which then, when they transition to saner languages, they tend to defend using those bad practices via pseudoargument that "php does it this way and it never caused me any trouble/and look how popular php is, so it can't be THAT wrong to do it"
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    @hash-table more than one method for one thing, having subtle differences in how it works.
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    Thx, i didn't know about the php-gtk.
    Guess you learn something new every day.

    Everybody have different opinions on the matter, I personally wouldn't mind php getting restructured :-)
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