I have do optimize a website to work in internet explorer... Hell no, but have to.
Which version will you then say that it should at least work in? Just the newest one.
I don't think I can get it to work in every single old internet explorer, but maybe the newest one could be possible.

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    @Alice you little devil :D
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    @Alice that just won’t do.
    I need this to work on IE5 for my win98 machine 😎
  • 1
    @Alice you are completly right, everything past ie9 era is good to work with, the cross browser compatibility improved so much. The w3c did good.
    But back in the day, of ie6/7 it was hell. You mostly had to double your time to make it work there.. but luckily those times are over :)
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    @Alice maybe we are the dinosaurs and they use cutting edge technology which is not compatible?
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    @Alice I heard that framesets are not up to date anymore,should we switch to tables?
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    i build to standards, use css3 features where support is widespread (caniuse). Generally have no browser issues, or none worth fixing anyway. mind you I don’t support any browser older than 3years. i even put it in my contract !!!!
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    @Alice it's spooky isn't it? And most people don't even know flexbox or display:grid.
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    @Alice True that :/ There are to less qualified persons out there, and to many crappy ones.
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    @Alice that's just sad :/ P.S. but there are good eyamples in Germany too ;)
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    I’m semi joking 😂
    I’m sure there’s someone out their still using a system that old.

    I won’t go pass IE8 for anyone, thats about as hellish I’m willing to go back in time.

    IE 8/9/10 had some major quirks when comparing to FF and Chrome releases at the same time, it was “fun” to load up a browser and see things on the wrong side of the screen 😇

    Opera I gave up on a long time ago when they decided to be just like IE and do their own thing instead of semi standards compliance, I won’t even test in it anymore but I think it’s better these days?

    As for current design issues for browsers, it’s pretty basic stuff as long as you include the browser prefixes for some of the funkier css.

    So I don’t see how people get it so wrong anymore unless your doing everything yourself.
    Frameworks may aswell hold your hand anyway.

    I don’t use flex and others as they don’t other any backwards support😞
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    @C0D4 but the thing is, that you know of them ;) The point I was trying to make was about the mindset.
    I don't use display:grid in my day-to-day either, hopefully next year begins our new project, there we will use it.
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    Don't forget about Netscape navigator!
  • 1
    I agree, ones mindset is important.
    I do what I can to stay on top of new toys.

    Downside to corporate life is having to be pro’s in older tech rather then play with all the new gadgets that makes life easier.
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    We have the limit at IE9 for our web applications and will probably drop even that soon as 3:rd party libraries drops support.

    Every system can use some more modern browser like chrome or firefox. And since we build applications we do not have random users in most cases.
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    3 words: Babel, Webpack, Browserlist

    Let the computer do the manual shit for you 😄
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    I'd say IE11, because Microsoft does not support older versions anymore so your client should upgrade asap due to no security patches and stuff

    Source: https://microsoft.com/en-us/...
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    Simple, add alert("Stop using IE"); to every page. If that doesn't work, throw it in a setInterval 30000 function, top kek
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    Ow boy yall should here lunduke he demands that all websites be usable from a terminal.
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    automatically redirect to chrome or firefox download page.. win win!
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    Thanks for the comment everyone! 😀
    I was lucky this time, I used a few new code in Javascript, that made my whole page crashing. But again, I was also curious about what other were thinking on the subject.

    I did set my limit to IE 11, older versions isn't supported and nearly not used by anyone. Though I can't cut it totally since some of our customers are using that shitty browser.
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