
My network is somehow fucked up. VPN Client on laptop to my workplace is not connecting via wifi but instead connects when my phone creates a hotspot, while the phone is connected to the same router via wifi? Second laptop this occurrence.
When the work laptop is outside of VPN but connected to the router with wifi, about 50% of web pages are not reachable, same with my own PC and another laptop. Didn't touch my router in ages. Nice fucking conditions for wfh.

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    Weird firewall config somewhere?

    Have you tried a different VPN client?
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    Can‘t you just disable the hotspot on the phone? Why do you have it active if you have wifi?
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    @Lensflare it works on the phone hotspot but not the Wi-Fi…
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    Hold on.. Can a phone act as a hotspot while also connected to another wifi AP?? I always thought that a hotspot is a wifi AP that reaches the internet via gprs/4g.

    Divide et impera. Does your phone has the same/similar issues when ur browsing on it via wifi [no hotspot]?

    If yes - your network infra/isp is fucked. If not - your PC is fucked - try it on some linux live cd/usb.

    Also, monitor your network quality. Run a long ping to your router, another to google.com. Could be your router is fucked [like mine] and loses network packets more than uncle Peter loses his marbles at an empty hardware store at the nuts-and-bolts section at 4am searching for his watch in a fridge.

    First identify the error you get in your browser when it fails to load smth [use dev tools > network tab]
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    @netikras yup, mobile network turned off.
    I can't figure out a pattern. My phone doesn't seem to have problems.
    Then again, work laptop suddenly showed a confirmation dialog for a vpn connection with an unknown fingerprint(?). This only appeared before when I used the hotspot.
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    Ok so it works again after a reset. Smth interesting: the router saved its settings and restored them. The SSID was supposed to be restored too. The devices connected to it told a different story, the SSID was a different one. But it worked, LAN, wifi, VPN. Another restart and the name also changed ... and the problem returned ... ??
    Another reset, this time no settings restored, default SSID. Now it's all ok.
    I don't know wtf happened but it's solved. 😪
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    @cb219 idk, feels like rom corruption? I guess it's an old router?
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    @netikras I don't know. An updated faulty config of smth? Could be anything 🤷
    Not that old. Second last gen of the router provided by my ISP.
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    @cb219 aahh, isp-managed? Address this to them
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    @netikras the reset was their solution
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    @cb219 give it a few more reboots. If the problem reoccurs - go back to them and leave this worry to them
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