Because apparently this douchebag thought writing else is too mainstream. And indentation, that is for noobs.

  • 14
    Cunts like this are why auto formatters were created.
  • 6
    @jamescodesthing I hate him, but my manager prefers him over me, because he have 10+ years of exp. 😭😭😭
  • 17

    You’d think someone with 10 years of experience would have found the tab key by now.
  • 1
    @jamescodesthing I know, but I can't physically do anything to him, but I hope that motherfucking asshole sees this rant.
  • 0
    @ThatDude Yeah. 😭
  • 3
    @aayusharyan 10 Years of producing shit or what?
  • 0
    @scroach I don't know. πŸ˜ͺ
  • 6
    God damn is this “let’s find the worst examples of PHP” day?
  • 0
    @C0D4 What happened?
  • 2
    Two posts I’ve seen in 10 minutes


    I’m starting to see a trend emergeπŸ€”
  • 1
  • 2
    What's up with all the recent rants about unindention..?
  • 1

  • 1
    @scroach well it’s PHP son, so yeah 😜

    Joking, before I accident water out of dfox’s eyes.
  • 2
    @AlexDeLarge just imagine to have to see stuff like that on a daily basis, with no indentation, and with a fugly format...

    On my workplace we use DB2 as back end (using i Navigator for iSeries), and that fucker strips "almost" every bit of formatting when we create/alter the artifacts (stored procedures, functions, triggers, everything)... Unless you use some precautions first (which no one but another co-worker, and myself try to take in account - not even the "DBA")

    The worst is that almost all my colleagues have the stu...bborn practice to modify "directly-to-database" first and then update the source code (if exists!) on the TFS/Git πŸ˜“ and by no means most of such artifacts are "small" or "easy to understand at first sight".

    Damn, it's a crime to see such codes... My head hurts, and my eyes bleed every time that I need to check/review some of those artifacts...
  • 2
    @0x412E2047696C dude, just throw it into any editor with auto formatting and let the computer do the job for you.

    It still sucks to see but I’ve worked on minified js in the past, there’s a way around it if you don’t want to deal with it.

    Also, take your fab guys out back and shoot them. They’re defective. Any cunt who writes shit directly to the db without proper structure to their work needs to be punted.
  • 2
    @jamescodesthing actually, that's what I do (auto formatting) all the time. It help me to avoid to increase my daily dose of "WTF!?" πŸ˜‚

    Sadly, that bad practice goes up from the student who is making his professional practices (I forgot the word for that) to the boss... Well, the boss that is in charge of us, the developers.

    I've tried to convince them (boss, and sub-boss) to adopt some standard regarding code formatting, and what do's/don'ts regarding working (and testing, for some) directly in production... 😐 everything I had said, demonstrate, and present to them simply goes in by one ear and goes out for the other. They don't want to change their "work flow", and want to get stuck on "how they've worked" the last 15 years, and they are (kinda) enforcing that crappy mindset on the whole department...
  • 2
    Such assholes should be banned to use any form of Tech.
  • 2
    @0x412E2047696C I'd suggest, leave that job
  • 3
    @0x412E2047696C last comment it should have been db guys not fab guys πŸ˜‚ I just noticed my typo.

    Dude, it’s because for 10-15 years they were able to work at a snails pace... and make it look difficult to do their job. They’ve collected a steady paycheck and made it look like their gods for finally noticing 8 year old cock ups in that nightmare.

    Someone comes in with their fucking formatted and indented code telling them all this “organise your shit” bullshit!

    You’re rocking the boat man! Don’t rock the boat!
  • 3
    @0x412E2047696C Your name has six characters when translated to ASCII.
  • 1
    @filthyranter yup, that's correct
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