
This rant is devoted to my study friends. You see, I never knew what it was to not have people making fun of you/bullying you until I started my study.

Elementary school + highschool was one big mess of bullying, being made fun of and hardly having any friends.

At highschool I decided I wanted to go into IT. Especially programming. Programming in particular because when I was programming, I, for once, was the one in control. The code listened to me and for that tiny moment I was god.

Never really had much friends though and when I told my parents I wanted to do an MBO study (application development), my mother warned me that although she and my dad supported me with whatever my decision would be, MBO level studies were rough because of the general mindset/atmosphere there.

I thought fuck it, I want to do programming because that seems awesome and maybe I'll even make some friends with the same interests!

Then study arrived. Met a few guys with similar interests and we started hanging out together.

And then it came back just like before. Two guys who loved bullying and I was still a quite easy target because I couldn't stand up for myself.

But, then something happened. I liked a girl, she was in the hallway and two of the bullies (there were about 4-5 in total) got up and started fucking around with me (about her) and I just sat there, not daring to do anything with tears in my eyes.

Then two of my classmates noticed it, quickly came to my desk and started pushing the guys away with 'back the fuck off, what the fuck has he done to you?!'. Then one of those guys (now still about my best friend) came to me to see if I was alright.

We started talking. Then at some point, another bully had a go at me. This would be the final time. He was about 2 meters tall (I was about 160cm or something) and stood there in the door opening with a very nasty smile saying all nasty stuff, trying to intimidate me and probably tried to make me feel like crap again.

Nice guy on my right asked me to step to the left. Gave that guy a huge fucking foot in his chest and he smacked onto the ground. Made a gentleman's sign like 'go ahead, sir!' while gesturing towards the door.

From that moment on the bullying stopped. Throughout my study, some other bad things happened but those guys were always there for me.

Although I've lost touch with most of the guys (they're on social media, I'm not really), we still meet up once in a while and have a lot of beers while talking and laughing and thinking back to the good times we had together.

The study wasn't the best for what we were taught as in studying but it's the best choice I've ever made nonetheless.

Oh and that best friend and I still have loads of contact!

  • 14
    Wow, he seems to be a great friend, happy to hear that he stands up for you.
  • 5
    So.. you have described my life.. except for the people being nice part.. great.
  • 3
    Amazing story. Thanks for sharing!
  • 6
    @plusgut Yup I was very thankful for that! Now I luckily know how to stand up for myself :)
  • 3
    @linuxxx that's great :) It's important to stand up for oneself, for things that are important.
  • 7
    I'll drop a motherfucker for ya bud :) i love getting into fights for free, i'll probably take you for a beer afterwards even!
  • 4
    @AleCx04 Physical violence is the best debugging.
  • 5
    Remember guys, bullies bully you only because you are an easy target. It does not matter if you are 160cm aginst 2m cunt, if someone bullies you, punch him. You may get punched too (and you will get punched) but this will make it way less fun for bullies, so they will stop or find another target. Just. Fucking. Fight. Back. Thats all you need to do to stop. They bully because its easy and fun, change that.

    Btw really nice story, nice to hear that I am not alone "feeling lije a god" when programming xD unless I spent 4 hours debugging some code, then I feel like being raped by every single god xD
  • 4
    The beginning of your story made me so sad... I hate when people are not accepted for the person they are. I mean, if you don't like them just let them be.. I never understood what people get out of hurting others.
    But I am so happy for you, because you seem to have found yourself some real friends along the way.
    I hope nothing like that crap before ever happens to you again.
  • 4
    @prenestor Thanks! I'm in a way better world now and if someone tries to pull that shit on me again, I'll very much be able to handle myself :).

    Also, welcome to this awesome place man!
  • 1
    Control is an illusion my friend
  • 1
  • 0
    It looks like she your best company. Always stay cool.
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