About a year ago I was doing work for a client that hired a separate contractor for SEO consultation. I could easily end the rant here.

This lady was trying to convince my client to write the same page or blog article several times over and merely change their physical address at the bottom of the page to one of their many respective clinics.

When I told them not to do this because they would suffer for stuffing and duplicating content, their response was to ask me to be respectful of the other contractor's skills and knowledge regarding digital marketing and to call her and sort it out.

I called. We argued. I called the client back and asked if they should respect the skills of an auto mechanic with pliers to remove a teenager's braces rather than send them to one of their orthodontic clinics.

  • 3
    SEO is like dark magic!
  • 1
    I'm not the best, but my partner religiously studies Matt Cutts and Google as well as inbound marketing techniques from a white hat perspective and it morally bothers me when we bring on a client that doesn't listen to us especially when they're hemhoraging money into these assholes.
  • 2
    Our marketing department does so many blog posts where every other link is a back link with no real content, you try and say something but they are the 'experts'
  • 1
    The biggest part for me is that these people seem like they're of the mindset that it won't happen to them or they do theirs differently. Lol. Google is like Liam Neesom. He will find you and he will kill you.
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