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    God I LOVE programming in HTML.
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    Java being the most verbose as always
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    Who the hell put those disgusting semicolons at the end of a statement in Swift?
    And where the fuck is Rust?
    And why is there random whitespace before parenthesis and after dots? Was this written with Word? Look at the << in C++! And some quote marks are styled like “this”. Wtf is this? Code! Do you speak it?
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    obviously you forgot the programming languages to rule all hello world programs:

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    What’s up with all that spaces? The majority of those examples will throw errors because of them
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    I legit think there's a significant benefit to having two separate functions to log with or without a newline.

    Like Console.Write and Console.WriteLine in C#

    I mostly use JS these days and I'm slightly annoyed by seeing people wanting to log with newlines and either not doing it or having to write a newline string manually with console.log("\nHello")
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    @jiraTicket Any decent language that has extensions can simply add a print/log version with or without newline.
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    In fact, it's JavaScript who doesn't provide that.

    Bash does (echo -n) , so do most sane languages.

    JavaScript can also do it (in node only) with process.stdout.write(), but it's not a language feature.

    But hey, maybe ostream wants to enlighten us with his superior knowledge...
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    It's a fundamental confusion though because console.log is not echo, it's not supposed to be presented for the end user, it's not supposed to write permanent logs. It's a lazy man's debugger statement.
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    @Lensflare there's always ways to add features later. but unless it's an obvious part of the built in standard lib 99% of projects ain't gonna use it. Projects could easily add their own fn but to be fair most will never (including me who's bothering to write a post about it, I could easily add a writeLine-fn to my js project but I won't)

    I'm just saying I appreciate when it's really built in from scratch
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