
Who on earth said you're loved by millions? We only use you out of necessity.

  • 25
    I love VS!
    Whatever you say!
    Better than AndroidStudio
  • 25
    Maybe if you jump off the hate train and used the latest version, you would realise that it's an amazing IDE for C++ or .NET development.
  • 5
    I'm literally only using it for C# development.
    Bloated, ram eating, CPU killing piece of shit software.
  • 3
    @PrivateGER you can use VS Code with a C# extension then
  • 2
    Ya got herpes, why not just inject it with HIV.
  • 1
    @Synster wel vs code works fine for coding C# but gave up trying to build stuff. An entirely new hard to learn tool chain
  • 3
    I do Hate MS, but i gotta give it to them, there are many people who Love VS.
    I'm sure it is amazing. Haven't tried it though.
    Does ReSharper make it better? Does that mean JB IDEs are better?
    Is JetBrains Rider better than VS?
    Not sure if there is an objective answer to these questions.
  • 4
    It actually is the best IDE I've ever tried until now but let's wait until tomorrow, I'll get phpStorm and I'll post a !rant about it
  • 1
    Will be waiting for ur review.
    Tag me when u post it 😀
  • 1
    @kabbura sure thing!
  • 5
    And it SURE IS loved by millions. It is the most if not only feature packed ide for both .net and cpp development not to mention the new python integration, typescript etc. Stop hating and give it a try. It sure won't bite
  • 2
    My favorite language
  • 0
    @Synster Thats what I'm using when writing, I don't know how to call it, "relaxing" code. The code which won't throw errors at me that I don't understand. I only use VS if I test new stuff.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil I'm not comparing it to any IDE, since there are no really alternatives, but this thing is absolutely brutal on resources.
  • 2
    Am I the only one that thinks that placing a 'the' in 'on the Mac', looks and sounds really stupid?
  • 3
    It's 2017 how can VS use to much ram... Never had any issues with RAM. Cmon guys how much does ram cost these days?

    It's the best IDE out there. For every type of development.
  • 4
    Love to see people complain about VS resource usage. Come on, if you are a truly professional developer, shouldn't you be using truly professional tools too? That includes high end, high performance hardware as well. Then suddenly resource usage is not a problem anymore.

    Just like a professional car mechanic would use high end tools and not some cheap ass low quality tools that you can buy at your local do it yourself store.

    No offense to anyone that can't afford high end tooling intended, if you can't afford it, I sincerely wish for you to be able to afford it. And if your boss won't buy it for you, you might be better off with a different job and a boss that takes your craftmanship seriously and does provide you with the proper tooling.
  • 0
    I love it.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil Well, I do use Android Studio. I wouldn't consider that an IDE tbh, but your opinion.
  • 1
    @tahnik indeed. People would much rather jump on hate trains than make an opinion for themselves.
  • 1
    VS for Mac is crap.
    VS for Windows is really nice.

    JetBrains Rider is an nice alternative for C# development on Mac. Or just vs code
  • 0
    Out of interest, what about Atom's new IDE?
  • 0
    //waits for the storm of vs,code fanboys/girls
  • 1
    You are being too hard. Just give it a try, it's good and a lot of people do love it.
  • -1
    Or out of cancer
  • 1
  • 1
    @iNCEPTiON And with latest VS you can choose your development environment i.e. if you are only using it for C# you can just install C# environment skipping things like ASP etc that should help with resource usage
  • 0
    Same as vim, because you cant exit it.
  • 0
    @kabbura still no phpStorm for me :(
    i didn't forget tge review
  • 0
    Pretty sure 'bunch of folks like Visual Studio. I prefere CLion but to each there own.
  • 0
    U might wanna try JB Rider for .NET development
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0
    @MrCSharp how can I contact you privately? Please 🙏
  • 1
    Visual Studio is actually the only IDE that managed to stay below 10 crashes this year. And by that I mean both, the shitty 2015 and the improved 2017 version.
  • 1
    Although I don't do c# anymore since a couple years, I do think VS is the best IDE out there. Jetbrains sometimes comes close with some other offering but just not quite... Resharper though.. Much love.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil Yup.
  • 0
    @PrivateGER maybe you have a shitty setup then or doing something stupid because it never eats ram for me. Firefox uses alomost 3 times as much as ram as visual studio debugging asp.net apps.
  • 0
    @px06 My setup is definitely NOT shitty. I have a 8x4 GHz CPU and 16GB RAM, but still this thing almost crashes and starts freezing when I open the project.
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